Saturday, July 27, 2024

Communication Tips for Remote Teams: Collaboration & Productivity

We all know communication is key, but it can be quite a challenge in a remote environment. No longer can someone spin their chair around to ask a quick question or pop into the other side of the office for a follow-up.

Many companies are navigating this environment for the first time and are in dire need of communication tips for remote teams. When all communication methods shift to online, remote team members need to develop an understanding of when to pick up the phone or send a message through Teams.

Let’s delve into how companies can break the absence of physical proximity to make intentional and strategic communication.

Improve your communication and learn the top email etiquette rules.

Choosing the Right Communication Tools

The nuances of effective communication extend beyond mere exchanges of information; they encompass building rapport, ensuring understanding, and nurturing a cohesive team spirit.

Clear communication channels lay the groundwork for seamless collaboration, enabling team members to work harmoniously towards common goals. 

Moreover, a communication-rich environment fuels productivity by minimising misunderstandings, streamlining workflows, and cultivating a shared sense of purpose among team members.

So what are the options?

From ubiquitous options like Slack and Microsoft Teams to video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Meet, each platform offers distinct features. Slack, for instance, excels in real-time messaging, while Microsoft Teams integrates seamlessly with the broader Microsoft 365 suite. Understanding the strengths and limitations of these platforms is crucial for making informed choices.

Team Needs

Consider factors such as the nature of your work, the size of your team, and individual preferences. For instance, a development team may benefit from platforms that facilitate code sharing and integration. 

Every team has different needs. For a development team, a collaboration tool that allows seamless code sharing and integration might be indispensable. Conversely, a marketing team might prioritise platforms that facilitate creative asset sharing and feedback.

Your team size does make an impact on your tool selection. Smaller teams might find simplicity and quick communication crucial, favouring tools like Slack. Larger teams might require more robust solutions, such as Microsoft Teams, with its integration capabilities and organised channel structures.

An intuitive interface reduces training time, making everyone more likely to use it. A user-friendly platform reduces the learning curve for team members, promoting faster adoption and minimising potential disruptions to workflow.

Ensure that the chosen tools are compatible across various devices and operating systems. This guarantees accessibility for all team members, regardless of their preferred devices or locations

Applications that enable integration with other essential tools can enhance productivity and streamline workflow. Tools like Asana, Trello, or Jira, when integrated with communication platforms, create a cohesive environment where tasks and communication align effortlessly.

Provide Support and Set Protocols

Not everyone will find the transition to remote communication simple.

It’s essential to provide support during this change and remember that someone is bound to face difficulties. Remote workers are breaking communication norms, and management that sets guidelines can make their lives easier.


  • Conducting trials or demos
  • Gathering team feedback
  • Setting expectations for response times
  • Specify use cases for messaging and calls
  • Outlining boundaries for after-hours communication
Think of this as a malleable framework based on your remote employees’ feedback. Most companies that transition from office to remote work don’t have a blueprint in place, and synchronous communication falls apart.

Utilise Video Conferences Effectively

Don’t make the mistake of scheduling back-to-back video meetings or not asking an employee about their availabilities. 
Optimal remote team communication requires purposeful meetings where the objectives are outlined before scheduling them. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and has ample preparation time.
Always set a strict time limit for meetings and allocate slots for each agenda item to avoid discussion points being brought up in an inefficient order. Most importantly, only invite the necessary participants! 
Many businesses waste time inviting employees into meetings that don’t need to be present – it’s a serious time waster. An easier method is recording the meeting and sending through important notes.
Ultimately, leaders should determine if a meeting is necessary or if the objectives can be achieved through asynchronous communication.

Written Communication Etiquette

The emphasis on clear and concise written communication can’t be stressed more in a remote setting. The likelihood of misunderstandings is greater in remote team communications, but it can be better managed with simplicity in your writing.
We recommend these guidelines – 
  • Focused messaging: Avoid unnecessary details that dilute the core messaging.
  • Use bullet points: Bullet points help present information in a structured and easily digestible manner.
  • Don’t use jargon: Steer clear of complex language and stick to a writing style accessible to everyone.
  • Proofreading: Check your work. This is obvious.
Don’t forget to add your personality! Set a friendly tone and occasionally use a smiley emoji to make remote work communication more personable. If you’re ever confused, don’t be afraid to request clarification in a timely manner.

Schedule Check-Ins

It’s harder to know if your remote employees are encountering any difficulties when there’s no in-person interaction. Scheduling a one-on-one with personalised discussions about progress, challenges, and career development will improve remote team communication.

Create an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns during check-ins. This open dialogue fosters trust and enhances team collaboration. Encourage everyone in your team for an end of Friday catchup with virtual drinks to unwind for the week.

It’s these small friendly gestures that make remote work worthwhile.

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