Curious about coworking?

The flexible workspace solution has become a global favorite for all types of businesses. But with popularity, comes a plethora of questions and inquisitiveness.

We received several questions and handpicked a few to be answered by coworking expert Monique Battistel.


There’s rumors that my coworking provider is closing down. What should I do to protect my business?


I am sorry to hear you are dealing with uncertainty with your current provider. That can be such an unsettling feeling. The best thing you can do to protect yourself and your business is to do your research on any provider you are considering. Find out how they run their business and their history. Some questions to you should consider asking:

Have they been open for long? How many locations do they have?

How many team members are managing the office? Will someone be available if you need assistance in the office?

Have they made any closures recently? And are they opening new offices?

Are they actually profitable? Have there been any investments into IT and infrastructure or have they reduced spending in this area?

These questions can be asked when you are touring the office and will give you an idea of how well the coworking space is run and how long they will be around for. If the sales associate can’t answer your questions, it may be wise to look around for a provider who can. 

Is it worth it?

Is coworking really worth it, or is it just a gimmick? Recent news has made me think it’s a fad.


I think we have all experienced working from home over the last few years, which has either gone really well for you or you haven’t loved it as much as you thought. Coworking is a business solution for all workers, no matter their work style. 

As an employer, it does not make sense to pay for a traditional office space if your workforce prefers a hybrid working model. Coworking spaces provide a flexible solution and the infrastructure of an office without the massive overheads of a traditional space. 

Will your team want to work one day, two days, or more in the office? There is always a solution: speak to a coworking professional about a personalized package for your team.

Coworking spaces are more than just a place to work from; they are about networking, infrastructure, and having a professional presence. 

For self-employed people, you may need a break from your home office, looking for a formal office to meet with clients or just want a place to interact with like-minded business owners. If this is you, a coworking membership might be your solution. 

A safety net

I’ve considered trying coworking spaces but don’t want to commit in case I regret my decision. What’s the safest option for me to trial coworking?


There are a few things you can do to try a coworking space without a long-term commitment. 

Ask for a free trial – if you are nervous about committing to a coworking space, you can normally reach out to the office provider and ask for a trial first. A good provider will allow you to test the space to make sure they are the right fit for you. 

If the provider does not allow a free trial, that can be a red flag, and you may want to consider other options. 

Pick your term carefully – After you have completed a trial and you decide to take the next step, I suggest avoiding long-term contracts in the beginning and choosing a monthly option. A month-by-month option allows you to join a coworking community without a long-term commitment. 

Happy coworking!