Every job interviewer is sure to ask the technical comprehension and ambition questions on where a candidate wants to be in 5 years. 

In the many interviews I’ve done in my time, I’ve always felt it just as important that the candidate pass the test on questions that show their character as well as their technical ability. Ask questions that show the character of that candidate, so you can be sure if they can work well in the team, and answers the question ‘is this candidate coachable and manageable?’

These interview questions are generally for the final stage of any job interview. Naturally, you should have questions on technical proficiency at the start but these questions are about the judgement of professional and personable character. 

Question 1.) What frustrates you?

This question is a good indicator about their professional character and personality. 

Generally a good candidate will answer in a professional context, such as:

 ‘I get frustrated by rigid development release cycles for new updates to software or websites.’

 ‘I get frustrated by other team members not contributing enough to the project.’

The judgement of a good candidate comes from their consequential actions. You don’t want an employee that shows their frustrations obnoxiously, but rather someone that takes action, deals with it and remains calm in the most frustrating times. 


Question 2.) What is your biggest failure?

As opposed to simply asking someone, ‘what is your weakness?’ This question will tell a better story about your prospective candidate.

Whether the answer is a personal situation, academic or professional the importance to answering this question is what have they done about it. There shouldn’t have to be a follow up question asking “what have you done about it?” or “what would do you do differently?” 

We’ve all learned from many superhero movies that you get back up, take responsibility, move forward and don’t make the same mistake.

Question 3.) Have your ideas been rejected/disapproved?

Even the best sales executives face rejection. This question is about judging the candidates determination to keep going or showing prudence and moving on with a better idea to pitch. 

Question 4.) What are you most proud of?

This will tell you if somebody is an achiever or satisfied with a pass. You want to hear them boast about the work they’ve completed to achieve outstanding results. What makes them so proud to tell you this? It should be the many hurdles they’ve gone through, the challenges facing them to get the job done and over delivering on management’s expectations. 

You should expect well-thought responses and not just having pride in a high distinction in a university degree or something they were born into as their most proud moment. You want a showcase of unique talents and skills that showcases their accomplishments.


Question 5 .) Describe to me the job you've applied for

You’re confident that this is the right candidate to fill the job you have on offer and they’re technically qualified. Make sure they understand and can tell you what the job is. You want to ensure that they know what they are getting themselves into and reduce the risk of any misunderstanding during probation. 

Get them to explain what they will be doing on the job and how they will be doing it. This will all rely on them doing the research and also asking the right questions about the job.

The overview

It’s not only the technical ability and skill hiring managers are looking for. The character that makes up a person is what you want to know. You want to know if they have emotions and human character skills that make working in a team cooperative. Ask the questions that show determination, humility, perseverance, wisdom and leadership.